Two Eastern Fables by Dr. José Rizal (London, 1889)Two Eastern Fables

by Dr. José Rizal

(London, 1889)

This is a comparative study in Japanese and Philippine folk-lore which appeared in the July, 1889, Truebner’s Record (London), and attracted the attention of European ethnologists.  Dr. H. Kern, a Dutch Malay authority made it the subject of his paper before the International Congress of Orientalists in Stockholm that year and published a monograph upon it, with additional notes, at Leyden, in 1889.

Two Eastern Fables, Trubner's Record published in London, No. 244, Third series, Vol. I Part 2, Number 3, July, 1899.

Two Eastern Fables, Cultura Filipina Año II, Maynila, de 1911 numero 9, pahina 284-289.

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