Through Education is the Nation Glorified

by Dr. José Rizal

(English version of “Por la Educación Recibe Lustre la Patria”)

Wise education, vital breath,
infuses an enchanting virtue.
She lifts the Nation to the high seat
of dazzling and immortal glory.
And as to the breath of a fresh wind
the hues of the sweet flower revive,
thus education, a benefactor,
with lavish hand exalts humanity.

For her mortal sacrifices
existence and a calm repose;
through her are born both art and science,
which crown a man with beauteous laurel.
And as from the top of a tall mountain
spring the pure waters of a torrent,
so education, unstinting, lavishes
on the land where she lives enduring peace.

Where education rears her throne
exuberant youth robust shall grow
to crush down error with a firm foot
and be enlarged with great ideas.
Education the neck of vice shall break;
black crime shall pale and fade before her;
barbarous tribes she shall subdue,
transforming savages into champions.

And as the river that nourishes
the crops and shrubbery of the lowlands
bestows its placid wealth of waters
to irrigate with constant zeal
the banks through which it undulates,
denying beautiful nature nothing;
so he who gains wise education
shall hoist himself to the heights of honor.

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