Men's Lifestyle Magazine Companies in the PhilippinesMen's Lifestyle Magazine Companies in the Philippines

FHM is the undisputed number 1 men’s magazine in the Philippines.  The neighborhood is comprised of 21- to 35-year-olds, mostly bros who appreciate fine-looking women, stimulating discussions about sports, gadgets, entertainment, and their respective Friday-night-gags.  Published by Summit Media, the Philippine's leading magazine publisher.
MAXIM Philippines
A men's entertainment magazine targeting premium Filipino males with compelling and entertaining lifestyle content in a sexy,funny and honest way with a pinch of humor on the side.  A publication of ABS-CBN Publishing, Inc.
Men’s Health
Men’s Health has become the lifestyle bible for the modern Filipino man, and our ever-evolving content reflects that.   Published by Summit Media, the Philippine's leading magazine publisher.
A new monthly magazine called T3 - Tomorrow's Technology, Today.  T3 is a unique concoction of hi-tech and hi-style hardware, providing gadget lovers, technology fans and the design-conscious with a four-weekly fix of the cutting edge.

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