Broadsheet Newspaper Companies in the PhilippinesBroadsheet Newspaper Companies in the Philippines

Here's a compilation of Philippines broadsheets.  All are published in the English language and the readership are of the middle and upper classes.

Business World
The country's leading business newspaper represents three decades of professional economic journalism.
Malaya means free in the Filipino language. Founded in 1981 as a Tagalog newspaper by Jose Burgos Jr., Malaya shifted to English when its sister publication, We Forum, was closed down by the Marcos government in 1983 after it came out with a story exposing the fake medals of former strongman.
Manila Bulletin
The nation's leading newspaper. One of the oldest running newspapers in the Philippines.
Manila Standard Today
A nationally circulated newspaper published daily in the Philippines since February 1987.  Stories are succinct, readable and written in a lively style that has become a hallmark of the newspaper. Opinion pieces reflect the wide range of viewpoints that contend for attention and acceptance in the place all Filipinos — regardless of where they live — call home.
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Undeniably the country’s most widely read and circulated newspaper. With over 2.7 million nationwide readers daily, it enjoys a market share of over 50% and tops the readership surveys.  As the country’s no. 1 newspaper, the Philippine Daily Inquirer will remain steadfast in its commitment to bring Balanced news, fearless views to readers when and where it matters.
The Daily Tribune
With the slogan Without fear or favor. Balanced account of news, controversial views, plus all possible sides of an issue.
The Manila Times
The oldest running newspaper in the Philippines with 106 years in a nation’s rich history.
The Philippine Star
One of the leading English broadsheets in the country.

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