Mga Salawikain ukol sa Pamumuhay - Page 23 of 24

(Proverbs on Survival Skills)

Ang hindi magsapalaran,
Hindi makatatawid nang karagatan.

He who will not venture can never cross the seas.

Ang magumon sa bisyo,
Mahirap nang magbago.

He who is addicted to vice is difficult to change.

Iba ang boses nang daga
Sa boses nang leo’t gansa.

The voice of a mouse is different from the voice of a lion and a gander (The voice of a nobody can’t be as powerful as the voice of an important person).

Malapit ma’t di lakarin
Ay hindi mo mararating

Though near, we cannot reach our destination unless we walk towards it.

Ang naglalakad nang matulin,
Kung matinik ay malalim;
Ang naglalakad ng mabagal,
Kung matinik ay mababaw.

He who walks fast when he steps on a thorn will be wounded deeply; he who walks slowly though he steps on a thorn will not be wounded deeply.

Pag ang tubig ay maingay,
Tawirin mo at mababaw;
Pa gang tubig ay tahimik,
Lipdin mo ma’y di malirip.

If the water is noisy, it is shallow; if the water is silent, it is deep.

Learn this Filipino word:

hindî makain