Chapter 22: - Page 11 of 11

The Performance

(English version of “El Filibusterismo”)

The funniest, part of it, Makaraig added, is that Padre Irene has advised us to celebrate the event with a banquet or a torchlight procession—a public demonstration of the students en masse to render thanks to all the persons who have intervened in the affair.

Yes, after the blow, let’s sing and give thanks.  Super flumina Babylonis sedimus!

Yes, a banquet like that of the convicts, said Tadeo.

A banquet at which we all wear mourning and deliver funeral orations, added Sandoval.

A serenade with the Marseillaise and funeral marches, proposed Isagani.

No, gentlemen, observed Pecson with his clownish grin, to celebrate the event there’s nothing like a banquet in a pansitería, served by the Chinamen without camisas. I insist, without camisas!

The sarcasm and grotesqueness of this idea won it ready acceptance, Sandoval being the first to applaud it, for he had long wished to see the interior of one of those establishments which at night appeared to be so merry and cheerful.

Just as the orchestra struck up for the second act, the young men arose and left the theater, to the scandal of the whole house.  


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